Tuesday, June 21, 2011

#3| "Road to Nowhere" by Christopher Pike.

Konnichiwa all! [Totally getting good at spelling that.]
This is my THIRD blog. I'll admit; I give up on things pretty fast. I wanted to make clothes on Secondlife, I stopped after three shirts. I wanted to make a Sims series on YouTube, I stopped after two episodes. But this book reviewing thing, I really think I can push myself through it if I start getting a lot of readers.
Anywhooo, let's get to the background story of this book. The author of this book, Christopher Pike, is my absolute favorite author. I've read basicly all of his books. I would consider his three-part series, Final Friends, my favorite book that I've ever read. He's this author who started off in the 80's, and is still writing with his pen name off the Star Trek captain. The first time I read from him was when I was eleven; my school librarian at my school hadn't actually read any of his books, but still stocked the shelves with all of 'em even though they had cursing, drugs, and sex. But I wouldn't be the nerd who snitched; especially when they were some of the best plots I've ever heard of. ANYWAYS, it was Whisper of Death, and I had nightmares about it for three weeks. xD That's enough about my fetish with his books. Onwards to the reviewing!

BASICLY: This girl, Teresa Chafey, is running away from home while her parents are out. She picks up these two hitchhikers; a supposedly hot guy, and this intimidating, yet beautiful girl. You later find their names are Freedom Jack and Poppy Corn (I, too, said, "Wtf?" But that isn't their [SPOILER] real names.) So, to pass time, they start telling stories just about random things; Teresa tells about why she's running away, Freedom about a friggin' genius guy (whose problem, really, is that he just gets caught in some bad situations.), and Poppy about a girl she was close to whose life turned to shambles. As the stories go into more darker things, pretty weird stuff starts happening to Teresa and her new friends.

MY OPINIONS: This is one of my favorite books, so you won't read alot of critisism. The plot of this book is really unique and just really nail-biting to read. It was pretty vulgar at times, almost laughably so, but most of the times it was all, "DUN DUN DUN", and you would be like, ":O" I can't really say much about it without telling you everything that happens...All I can say is if you enjoy books by authors like Stephen King, I would find it hard not to not like this book. His wording is similar but he still has his own originallity.

WHO I THINK SHOULD READ: Really, I wouldn't recommend it for teenagers. It's rating is YA, but I think it's more mature for adults to read; anyone else wouldn't quite grasp some of it's points. I even recommended it to my mom (although she's not a book person, so she didn't read it.)

Should you buy this book? I think it's a book you would want to reread after sometime. If you like romance, suspense, and mystery then--YES!!:D I give this book a 8.5-9.

Thanks for reading!

Not satisfied with my review? Find others on Road to Nowhere Shelfari Page!
Buy this book on Amazon for about $11.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

#2 | "Fang: a Maximum Ride Novel" by James Patterson.

Konnichiwa all! [Finally got to where I don't have to copy and paste that. xD]

It's Thursday, so I'm posting my second review! If you didn't catch my last one, it was for Vampire Kisses by Ellen Schreiber, one of my more favorites. Now, this book I'm going to review's been pretty popular recently. The last book of this series has just came out, Angel by James Patterson and I've been seeing lots of people reading it, and the Maximum Ride manga. But today, I'm reviewing Fang. Last week, I went to Sam's Club for the first time [xD] and there I bought this book pretty spontaneously, having never heard of it before. After that, I heard of all the time after that, the commercials on TV, people in my Band class reading it. I was really excited to finish it.

Then I got to reading it. I didn't know there was an entire series that I haven't read, so I was really confused. But that's one of the things I liked about this book; you didn't really have to read the others to know what it was about. It sort of flowed easily, in a way where you knew what was going on. So, I'm reviewing this book, the sixth book of it's series, while I work on getting the books before it.

BASICLY - Alright, well this book's about this fifteen-year old girl named Maximum. Her and these other kids, none older than fifteen, all have bird-like wings and make up this group called the "Flock." At the beginning, they were sent to Chad, Africa to feed the people under a special project. I was a little confused on who exactly it was sending them there, but oh well. I'm the one doing the reviewin'. The littlest girl, Angel, who was like seven and has special powers like Max (Including something that talks to them, called the Voice) tells them that she has learned "Fang will be the first to die." Fang is co-captain of the Flock and also Max's boyfriend. MEANWHILE, a new guy joins the Flock, who they find out was made entirely to be Max's other half. That's all I'm going to tell you, mainly because there is a lot more other conflicts in this book and it would take way too much time out of both our lives to do. [xD]

MY OPINIONS - Honestly, this book was a little immature for me. There were times where the jokes were funny and the fights between the "bird kids" made sense, but half the time I laughed at how stupid it seemed. Plus, there was mainly action in most scenes, that of which I can't say I really enjoy. Again, the romance between Fang and Max was sort of a first-love thing, but this time it seemed more like it would last than the last book I reviewed. Max is a pretty bad ass girl, too. She is a good leader, especially due to the fact she has to command a bunch of little kids who aren't so tolerant, and she is an awesome fighter. Another thing; it was a typical hero-villain book, but there were certain twists that made me want to keep reading, more towards the end.

WHO I THINK SHOULD READ - This is going to be sort of complicated. The comic relief in this book is more directed to kids, but the conflicts and other things in the book are more for teens. So, I suppose I could recommend it for tweens; for BOTH genders. The action in this book make a good read for boys, and the love-triangle make it a good read for girls.

So, would I tell you to buy this book? If you're into action, romance, and superheroes, then totally. It would be stupid not to. I would admit it was worth reading, but it isn't one of my more favorite books. I give it a 3.5 or a 4.

Thanks for reading!

Not satisified with my review? Find others on Fang Shelfari Page!
Buy this book on Amazon for about $9.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

#1| Vampire Kisses by Ellen Schreiber.

My Intro!

Kon'nichiwa all, and welcome to my blog!

I'm Shelby, and I am a book addict.
I have 200+ books in my bookshelf, and I am ready to REVIEW SOME BOOKS.
So, let me tell you who I am first before I start ranting about my books. As said, my name is Shelby. I live in the northern parts of Texas; I've never gone to another state, or even moved out of the house I lived in now. I, pretty much, plan to live here for the rest of my life.

Before last year, I didn't like reading very much at all. I would barely hold a B in my reading classes in Intermediate school. One day, my cousin gave me a monsterous, four-hundred page book called Twilight. [For all of you who hate Twilight, don't stop reading! This was before the movie even was in the process!] The beginning of that book was painful to read, but my mom forced me into reading it. But it changed my views of reading entirely. After that, I pestered my cousin on letting me borrow every book she ever bought. Then I started buying books on my own. Reading is an important thing to me now, it's my second intrest, below writing. [I'll discuss that next...] So now, I'm doing this blog. To get people, and adolescents like myself, intrested in reading a book. Also, for anyone who shares these intrests with me to share the books they enjoyed with me, and to tell you my opinion on them. 

I am fourteen, as of now, and I already am headstrong about what I want to be when I grow up. I want to be an author, more than anything. I wrote a vampire story with my friends in about fourth grade, and I haven't been the same since. That's all I am going on about the subject, just because I don't want to bore you to death with my rambling.

Now for my closing-out banner! If you believe you enjoy books just as much as I do, and want to get opinions on your favorite books or learn of books you've never heard of, then I would appreciate your reading my blog!

Thanks for sticking through this horribly long introduction! xD

Hope you continue reading!